Homosapiens sapiens is the scientific name for Human beings. Science is the part of our life. To put up a gesture of enthusiasm amongst the students and teachers Amarjyoti Sarswati Vidhyalaya had hosted the GCERT inspired Maths Science and Environment Exhibition for SVS 3.
In the inaugural function started with lighting up of lamp by the guests of honor Respected DEO Mr. Prajapathi , Shri Pandey sir, Shri Dabhi sir, from DEO office , Bhavnagar.
They were accompanied by our Managing trustee Mrs Amarjyoti ba Kiritsinh Gohil and Principal Dr. Bhumiba Gohil. The invitees were Shri Hirenbhai Bhatt , principal of DIET Bhavnagar, Shri Prakash Bhai Jaini , principal Ekta high school and convenor of SVS 3.
A pooja dance was performed to initiate the event. Around 45 schools had participated and a large number of students had visited. There were 5 categories , AJSV had bagged the 1st position in the category of Agriculture and Organic farming. the lush green meadows of AJSV were filled with the fantacising projects . Moving towards the end it was moment of pride for AJSV to host as well as bag the 1st position .
The exhibition was a huge success.