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Debate Competition (October – 2021)

An inter-class debate competition was held at our school premises on October 25, 2021. The aim of the competition was to hone public speaking skills of the students and teach them to be articulate while expressing their thoughts and opinions. The speakers of Grade 6th and 7th spoke eloquently on the topic.

The highlight of the event was – The topics were their favourite, for 6th it was JUNK FOOD SHOULD BE BANNED TOTALLY FROM INDIA and for 7th is was DO VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES CAUSE BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS? the students were so confidently proving themselves and inviting counter questions which were aptly answered by witty and vivacious speakers. The session was a Kaleidoscope of opinions, thoughts, idea and perspectives that definitely enhanced the knowledge and understanding among students.
The Debate was judged by the seniors students of Grade 10 ( Commerce) – Kesar Thakkar, Sahaj Kanani & Talha Sudhara.

6A and 7A bagged the First Positions.
6A – Manya Jadav, Zahra Masani, Rudra Thaker, Rajveersinh Chudasama, and Shoyansh Gorasia
7A – Ekisha Mishra, Shakshi Mishra, Shaurya Khatsuria, Karan Gohil and Naishal Chavda

Feedback from the Judges:-
For 6th – The juniors are surely talented and full of spirit, what they lack is some coordination as well as experience – Sahaj Kanani

For 7th – Juniors have excellent speaking skills as well as confidence – Talha Sudhara

I am very proud of all my juniors, they did a splendid display of their talents – Sahaj Kanani

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